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Issue 1: What is at Stake

What is at stake?

After the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision of 2022, which overturned Roe v. Wade, Ohio’s pro-abortion forces want to change our laws to make abortion a constitutional right in Ohio.  They propose a ballot amendment (Issue 1) to be voted on in the November 2023 general election. If Issue 1 passes with a simple majority vote, abortion will become part of our bill of rights and it would make Ohio home to painful late-term abortions until birth and remove all current pro-life laws enacted, including many protections for women. This will overturn years of effort in enacting pro-life and pro-woman laws by our duly elected legislators.


A legal analysis of the extreme anti-parent amendment from constitutional scholars Carrie Campbell Severino, President of Judicial Crisis Network, and Frank J. Scaturro, a former special counsel to the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives is available below:


What this Amendment will do:

  • This Amendment would allow minor children to get transgender medical treatment, and even life-altering surgeries without Parental Consent or notification.

  • This Amendment would endanger women by eliminating health and safety protections like the requirement for abortionists to explain risks, maintain hospital admission agreements, and follow many basic health and safety standards.

  • This Amendment would allow painful, late-term and partial birth abortions, right up to the moment of birth in the State of Ohio, providing no protection for the unborn at all.

  • This Amendment would allow abortion at any age, including children, without requiring Parental Consent or even notification.

  • This Amendment would require public funding of abortions, including through Medicaid.

  • This Amendment would protect men who pressure women into getting an unwanted abortion.

Where Does It Say That?

Don't Be Fooled...
Abortion is already legal in Ohio, with protections for the life and physical health of the mother. 
What else do they want?

Unrestricted abortion for all nine months and transgender treatments for children without parental consent and paid for by taxpayer dollars.


The language of the proposed Amendment was carefully crafted to make it easier for courts to support their agenda and is almost identical to the Michigan Amendment that passed in 2022.

  • The Amendment does not mention women, or adults, but allows any "individual" of any age to make the decision, without consent or even notification of parents, even if coerced by a reluctant father.  It actually prevents parents from interfering with their daughter's decision!

  • The Amendment uses vague language such as "but not limited to" and "reproductive decisions" to expand the scope of the amendment beyond just pregnancy. Transgender treatments and surgery affect reproductive organs.

  • Despite the deceptive use of the words "post-viability," the Amendment would allow abortions up to the moment of birth based on the abortionist's word that any aspect of the mother's health may be in jeopardy, including such "health" concerns as possible headaches, hormone imbalance, or anxiety.

  • The Amendment is intentionally deceptive by burying the word abortion at the end of a long list of more reasonable reproductive decisions, obfuscating the murder of babies in the womb.

  • The Amendment would prohibit the State from any involvement in any aspect of the abortion process, effectively eliminating medical care or treatment standards throughout the pregnancy, or during the abortion procedure.

  • The Amendment would void virtually all the laws already passed that protect the disabled, or provide notification of risks or complications, regardless of the mother's physical health or condition.

  • The Amendment would require public funding at least through Medicaid to avoid unfair burden or discrimination against low income citizens.


The official ballot language can be found HERE.​

Read official analysis of the language by Ohio AG Yost HERE.

Read excellent National Review article with legal analysis HERE.

Read ADF legal analysis HERE.

Read Attorney Megan Wold analysis HERE

The language in this proposed Amendment  is deceptive and dangerous.  It does not protect women's health or safety.  It endangers women and children and takes away parental rights.

We Need Your Support Today!

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