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This Amendment would include transgender treatments and surgeries

This Amendment would allow children to obtain sex change surgery without parental consent or notification.

This is too extreme for Ohio!

Does it really include sex change treatments?

The wording of this Amendment was crafted carefully to use specific legal terminology that has been successful in other states across the nation.


The National Women's Law Center says it outright:

"Reproductive Rights Include Bodily Autonomy for Trans and Intersex Youth"

Read their Explainer HERE


Understanding the Amendment Language

1. Both the title of the Amendment and Section A of the Amendment both carefully use the term "reproductive freedom" and "reproductive decisions," respectively.  They could have limited this Amendment to abortion, but they didn't. They were also careful to include the words "not limited to," which allows things not on the included list (such as transgender surgery).


2.  The avoidance of any mention of words like "women," "mother," or "female" clearly allows this amendment to apply to both sexes, not just women.  Biological men cannot have babies or get abortions, but they can make decisions for sex change treatments and surgeries.


3. The use of the term "reproductive decisions" would necessarily include decisions relating to their reproductive organs or reproductive system.  Transgender treatments and surgery are focused on affecting the child's reproductive system, including sterilization, mastectomy, castration, and therapies that affect reproductive organs.


4.  The Amendment is strongly supported by "trans rights" organizations (like URGE) and the Human Rights Campaign, who would typically not be involved in abortion issues (a fully transitioned individual cannot give birth).  Planned Parenthood has shifted their business model to include "gender affirming care," which is now a significant portion of their revenue stream.


5.  Liberal activist organizations, including Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights are aggressively promoting abortion and trans rights issues together, illustrating the close relationship between the two.  These organizations desperately want to normalize both of these procedures, as evidenced by the National Women's Law Center article above and the recent tweet by Planned Parenthood themselves.  The Tweet from Planned Parenthood below says it out loud.



















More evidence can be found on the News page of this site.

There is no question that the wording of this Amendment is intended to include sex change treatments and surgeries.


This deceptive and dangerous Amendment is too extreme for Ohio.


An initiative of Dayton Right to Life


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