Protect Women Dayton
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Video :59
Lauran and Isabella- Choose Life!
The real and compelling story of Lauran Bunting, an Ohio mom who at the age of 17 was pressured to have an abortion but chose life. Wait until you see what happened!
Video :59
Every Life is Precious- the Story of
Danny Herr
Even though doctors said it was unlikely Daniel would survive birth, he lived for a precious 22 hours and was able to meet his parents, and his five older siblings. "We urge every Ohioan to vote no on Issue 1 to protect unborn lives, particularly those lives in the third trimester of pregnancy which are in danger if Issue 1 passes.” Nate and Lisa Herr
Video :30
Issue 1 Unregulated Abortions Kill Women
Issue 1's broad language will make many of our current health and safety protections for women unconstitutional. Taking away these common sense regulations hurts women.
Video :30
Issue 1 Will Bring Back Partial Birth Abortion in Ohio
Partial Birth Abortion was outlawed in America almost 20 years ago. Now that the states are in charge of our own abortion laws, Issue 1 will again allow painful and barbaric partial birth abortion in Ohio.
Video 1:30
Dayton Right to Life TV Ad on Late Term Abortion
This ad was aired during the 2nd Primary Debate and features a survivor of abortion to talk about late term abortion and the pain and suffering it causes.